Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Quit Social Media?

Quitting Social Media? 
Angry & Anxious 
Disclaimer : Quitting social media will not change your life over night. But your actual social interaction or shall I say people interaction will improve and you will feel it and so will other people around. (A must try) 

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Are you sure? No Facebook, no Instagram, no Twitter, no WhatsApp. My memes, my social news, my links for jobs. Are you crazy or what?
I am not anti-social...
90% on 18-29 Years old are on social media.

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So, finally he Explains the PROBLEM
Nothing is Complete without Casey Neistat 🤘🤘
You need to see him to believe in his journey.

- Waking up and start scrolling your social media rather than waking up to morning and do something anything.
- Everyone including knows social media is made addictive just like a casino. Where urge to play a little more and apend even more.
- Such a way that you feel its important for your life.

Are we still connected?
Do we really know each other?
Is this any true? The colour ful world that I see.

I have quit all my social media from January 2016 and I am pretty peaceful till now with my self. 
& my life didn't changes and I don't miss anything. 
So, I need to see what my kind of life is. 

Highlight Reel : Social Media is a Highlight Reel of our best moments and not our stressful failures.
Social currency : Now we feel our social media is a market but we are the product instead of being a seller of happiness and this causes the urge to post our best posts on particular time so it can impact our social media space (no particular reason)
Fomo  : Fear Of Missing Out.
Online Harassment : Every one has faced online harassment from people unkn2to anyone. People just say things do things just because they feel they are unknown but it hurts you. Many time you hurt yourself.
Notifications : Oh My God those notifications always a need to check regardless of what we do what means to us.
Anxious feeling : Just like a drug. Initially feels good and then just a need.

It's is proven fact spending more than 2 hours on social media will cause depression or suicidal feelings.

"Life Outside Social Media is Quite Peaceful."

Short Movie From BBC Ideas
Why peopleaare choosing to quit Social media?

A TedX talk : Is Social Media Hurting You?
A typical life of Social Media consequences on your health.

All I want is you (who ever is reading) understand it doesn't matter if someone (in this case me) is not on social media. Its absolutely fine just like you.

Along with that please understand you don't need to spend too much time on your phone screens.
Be with your family and friends and not on your screens.

"Social Media is a Tool not the Lifeline. "
P. S. You don't buy stuff now a days, because social media train your mind to buy stuff.

If you are still reading this, heres one reason to quit Social media (absolutely optional)

Quit Social Media (Now) TEDX TALK
Dr. Cal Newport (Software Engineer) who's life is online still he is fine without social media.

I know there is a big NO, on quitting Social Media. But I can recommend you to try quitting Social Media for a certain time. A week, or a month. Whatever you feel you are strong enough for you?

Quitting social media will ensure increase in your productivity.
The lack of time excuse will vanish like salary after 2nd week. 😂

Here's Matt D'Avella (A Minimalist)
Quitting Social Media for One Month
He is a full time Youtube and makes videos and social media is more like work for him. Still he tried and this did improve his life till now. Now he has more control on his  social media. Now he uses social media like a tool rather than being sucked up into that online world.

LIVE THE MOMENT (Quit Social Media)
Ryan Thomas | TedX Talk

Hmm, if you don't know Yes Theory. These guys do thing that people that is we people just think. Or maybe feel like we can't they do without any excuse.

Actually "Yes Theory" means that you will say yes to everything.
These guys live on Social Media with connections. Still they tried and came up with successful outcomes. Have a look.

Deleting All social Media from Phone for 01 Month
Yes Theory!

Alpha M (YouTube)
Quitting Social Media for 90 Days (Experience)
10 Surprising things Happened to Me
After Quitting Social Media

Suggestion to Avoid too Much Screen Time
Thomas Frank (Youtube)
- Kill Notification
- Remove from easy access
- Remove suggestions
- Try using social media on Computer rather than on mobile.
- Use app blocking and fix time for social media apps/tools.
- Stop using duplicate apps. Use one news platform and one messenger etc.
- If it's not mandatory remove from phone.

Why Quitting Social Medai (Facebook & Instagram) Made Me Happier (A CNBC report's personal output) 

One more :)




Paul Miller (Technology Journalist)
I Quit INTERNET for whole Year : TedX Talk
For someone who works as a software engineer and has used Internet for whole life. How he quit INTERNET. 
Amazing life lesson with such a stupid idea and experiment. How important it is to find the balance. 

This one is good.
TedX Talk : What you missed being a Digital Zombie? 

Make sure you have a better relationship with your smartphone.
TedX Talk : Rethink your digital Life. 

Still not sure have a funny Opinion 🤣🤣🤣
Ricky Gervais on Why he hates Social Media? 


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