Friday, July 6, 2018

Smartphone Battery Quest (Part 1)

Smartphone Battery Quest
         Everyone has there own problems with Smartphone / Feature phone batteries. Mostly it is a girl waiting for your call and you just missed that could be “The opportunity” :) Many other cases like missing an Important Business call or may be just the insecurity that you might be missing on something. Your game just was crossing Highest score and oooppss.. Your phone died. 9All of those have happened to me :) So I get it. But this is not my reason for this one.
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MINE .. Mine was something different and was not just a problem its the longest night that had.
This is about when I faced my most horrifying Nightmare, that is being working in a city when your home town is about 1000Kms from  your office and you get a call “Your Father have an heart attach and he is in Hospital and is serious.” 
This call almost takes you off-guard and might give you one too. & I had the longest scariest night I ever had.

I remember the day I got a call that my father had a heart attack. I got a call at 10:30 PM, I was in office and all I remembered that I rushed towards Bus Stand and Bored first Bus my phone was almost at its end and no power bank I just didn’t had any time or mind set to think all this. you can imagine how I reached a hospital without contacting anyone for more than 15 Hours.
Now my father is recovering well and now I suddenly remembered how I was stuck in this situation. What can I do about it, So, its not that difficult what al can be done for this, Lets see. First of all those things which can sort it out but we can’t do: -

1. Use a featured mobile instead of a Smartphone.

It does the trick as you don’t have much to do but enough battery to survive two day. Just more than enough.
4000MAH BATTERY : This will be way too much to take you through minimum 02 Days or more without any charge. Along with this these offer charging like power bank in Emergencies.
Lava KKT Jumbo | Karbonn Baahubali | Micromax ASTRA

2. Carry two Smartphones

It does helps in some ways but no matter what how we use any smartphone they die as fast as we start using them. So ultimately even two smart[hones will not take us through any emergency like they will sort out 50% of it. If you have to have Smartphones only then be specific buy one that you like looks wise and second one should be with Big Battery. As we are not taking any chance.
PHONES WITH BIG BATTERY (These are good performer as per battery and are not the most expensive ones)
Asus Zenfone MAX 5000MAH | Gionee Marathon M5 6020MAH | Lenovo P1M 3900MAH

3. Buy & Use a Powerbank

This does helps in many ways but trust me I have used ample power banks they help you buy if you are not carrying your usual daily bag pack you will miss it no matter how compact it is and if its compact enough than its just might not be powerful enough. If this works for you then in this case I’ll say you should buy a powerbank with high power so that they can take you in long run also.
POWER BANKS THAT I HAVE USED (I like them as per my usage)
AMBRANE 13000MAH | ZOOOK 10000MAH | Xiaomi 20000MAH


Its with 4000MAH Battery with a MONOCHROME MODE which changes the mobile screen to Black and white screen you can do all the stuff and the energy consumption is reduced to minimum screen to minimum. This is a very useful Idea once you lose power and is in deep need of it.

    When in need switch to battery saver mode go mono chrome, trust me this might seem like gimmick but in certain cases its works like hell might keep you going more than you expect.

So finally all these have a flaw something or else. Carrying two big phones or one phone and power bank is just not possible in most cases. Smartphone is used way too much to provide long battery and featured phone saves the say but doesn’t have any feature O_o
What to do or what not to do? Stay like this, keep charging you phoen all the time to just stay in power. :)

4. Final Verdict

What I did is a little research. I have all of the above so I can say from my experience whats working for me.  Its a Mix of All | Big battery Mobile Not as Big as Powerbank | Not to carry two big mobiles | yet to have a good Smartphone |
- I can have 02 Smartphones or I can have one phone and powerbank but they were too big for me.
- I can have One smartphone and one featured phone but even then a long day might exhaust me since all the major function are in Smartphone and featured phone is way too boring and I will end up with having powerbank for both.
So my solution is a Thanks to LAVA Mobile for this great Idea. Having a good functioning featured phone with

(Just if you can imagine Nokia 1100 has 800mah) you can imagine how huge this is.

Along with this you can charge other mobiles also (Powerbank starts form 2000MAH or less) in Emergencies this can bring your mobile to life.

Even amazing is it doesn’t break bank at all you 2 couple movies or a good date can buy this one
Buying Links :

So, how does this changed my mobile life
1. This is my Life Line for calls and other important stuff.
2. This is my music player plug in and BOOM. My Smartphone have to just work half. (This also have Wire Less FM with good speakers)
3. Its a emergency life saver as I can charge my smartphone just for that last call or an emergency contact.

With This my Smartphone can do way more.
”Do let me know if you agree with me or you have any other better idea.”
Catch me on twitter @navdeepsinghsj


(If you are in battery drought or jut don’t agree with any of above try these hacks)
1. Turn off your Wifi/Bluetooth/GPS. They keep searching for new options and location and drain battery.
2. Turn off all vibrations, vibration just consumes more battery calling/notifications ringtone. Vibrate on touch haptic feedback etc.
3. Turn off notifications and Background data and auto downloads just use the app that you need the most this practice will save your data also just in case you are out of it.
4. Use simple dark wallpaper and reduce display brightness this consumes less energy as less pixels and work way better in amoled displays.
5. Use a power saving app and battery boosters. they stop everything in background and clean the system. (I like SHUTAPP @android (MORE GOOD APPS THAT I FIND USEFUL > LINK
6. For peek emergency if it doesn’t includes calls/net usage use airplane mode. It helps alot.


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